You’ve Been Suckered By Nike

Chris Hearn
3 min readSep 18, 2018

Sigh. What has the world come to. People are celebrating because they helped a mega-corporation become even more mega. They are excited because the 1% who runs the company and holds much of it’s stock are now even more loaded than before. What a victory!

And who made this happen? A whole pile of people on the left who bought up Nike products like crazy because they heard that what was probably about 10 people burned their Nike products to protest the fact that the company hired controversial NFL football player Colin Kaepernick to sell their crap with swooshes on it.

The guy is controversial. But he shouldn’t be. Of course, he is the football playing dude that started to kneel during the national anthem to protest police violence in America, especially towards black men. Fair enough. That’s a good thing to protest and he should feel free to do it. But, then some on the right wing started to flip out over it — especially Donald Trump. Well, as soon as Donald Trump gets involved, things get messy. And this got needlessly messy.

So, Kaepernick can’t seem to get a job in football because of his protests. And that is rather ridiculous. If he is a good player, put him on. But, no, he’s not in the NFL at the moment. But not to worry, he has still got a job. Nike has hired him to be their spokesperson. Now THAT has to be a lucrative gig.



Chris Hearn

Writer, comedian, photographer, dad. Liberal who is disenfranchised with the Left. Full of opinions.