Why Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts Matters

Chris Hearn
4 min readAug 30, 2018
Screen capture CNN/Youtube

The killing of Mollie Tibbetts became a polarized talking point once it was revealed that the murder was committed by an “illegal immigrant” from Mexico named Cristhian Bahena Rivera.

The debate has pretty much gone exactly as expected, with the left wanting to downplay the fact that the killer was not supposed to be in the country, and the right seemingly jumping for joy that it was an illegal immigrant. Everyone seems quite anxious to politicize this tragedy to push their own agenda.

Regardless of whether you are on the right or left, it seems that common sense and logic should dictate that YES the fact that this dude is an “illegal immigrant” should matter. This isn’t a partisan issue. I am using this as just one example, and it is one that happened in the US. But this could happen anywhere and everywhere. I am Canadian. I feel the same concerns apply here just as much as they apply to the US.

Here’s the deal. If you sneak into a country you are not supposed to be in, that right there is illegal. You shouldn’t be there. I know many on the left aren’t grasping this concept and seem to think that sneaking into a country illegally is NOT an issue and anyone who does is obviously a victim of outside issues and deserves protection and to not be sent back home. This…makes no sense. What is the point of even having laws if people…



Chris Hearn

Writer, comedian, photographer, dad. Liberal who is disenfranchised with the Left. Full of opinions.